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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Water Tank Leakage Treatment

Water Tank Leakage Treatment:

KCS ideas of life is providing best Water Tank Leakage Treatment. Water Tank Leakage is found very common especially in Karachi for water is abundantly stored in tanks to meet the water shortage. Commonly two types of tanks are formed underground and overhead. Overhead tank has only one type of leakage internal, but underground tank has two types of leakages internal and external. Both types of leakages are very serious and hazardous for the building structure. Underground tank’s leakage is more hazardous comparatively.

We provide best chemical waterproofing treatment for both types of water tanks. Our imported chemicals make a plastic insulation film inside the tank walls. Our chemical application limits water to enter into the tanks walls. Ultimately, It result’s water do not escape from the desired areas and durable insulation limits water to remain confined tank only.

This all procedure will be executed without breaking and dismantling anything. A complete time, money and building structure saving treatment.

Water Tank Leakage Test

KCS recommends checking water level in water tank at night and marking it. Check the water level again at morning if the water level is below the marked point then water tank is leak. A very simple test you can carry out to check your tank. Hope this information will help a lot.


  1. For more details please call 0333 8977180 or visit our web

  2. Nice Article! We are the best waterproofing company in Mohali . We have expert and professional technicians for waterproofing services and solutions. We have earned a lot of respect in the field of waterproofing work.

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  4. Nice Blog! Roof Waterproofing is basically a process designed to prevent water from penetrating into a structure. Heavy rains accompanied by strong winds can cause a lot of harm to the roofing of our homes. We are the best roof waterproofing company in Manimajra.If rain water leaks through your roof then it will crack the walls, dampen the ceilings and cause paint to peel off.
